Jennifer Lin's Weblog

March 5, 2012


Filed under: Jeremy Lin — jennyca @ 11:06 pm

1.人在困境時不要氣餒 須努力不懈 等待機會的來臨


3.他帶動了比賽的團隊精神 擺脫個人英雄主義  讓球賽變得好看

4.他激發了其他隊員的潛力發揮 只要表現好 板凳也是有機會變成先發

August 10, 2011

What Is FLAC?

Filed under: Movies — jennyca @ 11:18 pm

FLAC stands for Free Lossless Audio Codec, a leading compression technique that preserves original audio quality while reducing file size. FLAC is an open-source, royalty-free format that has been adopted widely for its many advantages in digital audio reproduction.

Compression techniques take large files such as wave (.wav) files and reduce the data bits while preserving as much of the audio landscape as possible. A well-known audio compression format is MP3 (.mp3). MP3 files slim down bulky wave and compact disk (.cda) files to a fraction of their original size, making MP3 an ideal format for portable audio players. The MP3 format allows a vast library of songs to fill a very small storage footprint. However, there is a trade-off in audio quality.

FLAC surpasses MP3 quality by preserving the original soundscape in exact detail. The FLAC format reduces the original file size by roughly 30-60% with no loss of quality, hence it is a lossless format. This differs from the MP3 format which is a lossy format, or a format that loses quality in the conversion process.

One of the great strengths of FLAC is its very fast decoding time, or ability to stream even on modest hardware. Technical specifics in the framed architecture also allow it to be error resistant, in that each frame has the information it needs to decode itself. If a frame is corrupted, the data lost in the stream is a mere blip. This differs from other types of lossless formats where the entire stream would essentially become corrupted.

Another feature of FLAC is that it can handle up to eight channels of audio for preserving surround sound recordings. FLAC is also a good choice for archiving audio CDs, as one can always use the FLAC file later to convert to future formats. A further advantage of FLAC is that it supports replaygain, a technique for ensuring that recorded sound files play at the same volume level.

The only real disadvantage of FLAC files is that the compression ratio is not as steep as other codecs. Files will be somewhat larger. However, with all of the advantages of FLAC, this is a happy trade off for many audiophiles.

Considering the falling prices of flash cards, portable players, and storage devices, the FLAC format will likely only gain support. FLAC files can play on iPods® with installation of the open source firmware replacement, Rockbox (though this might affect warranty). FLAC files can also be played on other portable devices and on home or auto compact disc players that support the FLAC format.

August 1, 2011

Filed under: Life — jennyca @ 2:40 pm

Induction Heating System,均匀加热, 保温24小时后的米饭基本和刚煮的一样。


1. 加热方式(电磁加热还是电热盘加热)
2. 控制程序(各个厂家都有自己的流程,基本靠经验,当然近代表芯片控制的,那种传统机械控制的完全不谈)
3. 加热部位(底部加热还是全方位加热,高端型号甚至有顶部锅盖加热,避免蒸汽凝结的水滴在饭上影响最上面一层米饭的口感)
4. 内部涂层(目前电饭锅上用的最好的涂层是大金的,国内一些品牌的高端型号用的也是大金涂层)
5. 内锅厚度(内胆越厚越好,加热越均匀,去超市比较比较不同价位的内锅厚度就明白了)

Amazon price history


NRG (file format)

Filed under: Movies — jennyca @ 2:34 pm

A .nrg file is a proprietary CD image file format used by Nero Burning ROM, a utility suite made by Nero AG, to create and burn ISO 9660 CD images.

Other than Nero Burning ROM, a variety of software titles can use these image files. For example, Power ISO, Alcohol 120%, or Daemon Tools can mount NRG files onto virtual drives for reading.

Business Letter Format

Filed under: Life — jennyca @ 12:02 pm

Standard Letter

L 140 – 245 mm

W 90 – 156 mm

February 15, 2010

English Books

Filed under: Books — jennyca @ 5:28 pm

我们都是有故事的人 之 生而为赢

Born to Win

Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it.
——I. Berlin(柏林)


Chapter 1 赢得自由
1.Freedom parrot
呼喊自由的鹦鹉 / 13
2.Digging a way out
挖一条出路 / 19
3.Is man free?
人是自由的吗? / 23
4.Thief or treasurer?
小偷还是司库? / 27
5.My heart’s in the Highlands
我的心呀在高原 / 33
6.A good knight’s sleep
骑士的酣眠 / 37
7.Liberty is order
自由就是秩序 / 41
8.Being in the present
活在现在 / 45
Chapter 2 赢得成功
1.The biggest secret of success
成功的最大秘诀 / 53
2.Do not listen to prairie chicken
不要听信山鸡的话 / 57
3.The heart of a mouse
老鼠的心 / 61
4.The donkey in the well
井里的驴 / 65
5.The three fish
三条鱼 / 69
6.Covering the sun with one’s hand
只手遮天 / 75
7.Seeking the seed of triumph in the adversity
在逆境中寻找成功的萌芽 / 79
8.What does success mean to you?
成功之于你 / 83

Chapter 3 赢得美丽
1.Nature’s beauty
自然之美/ 91
2.A useless life
无用的生命/ 95
3.Wetting pants
尿湿裤子/ 99
4.The world outside the window
窗外的世界/ 103
5.The beauty of honesty
诚实之美/ 109
6.Each to his own beauty
各自的美丽/ 115
7.Acts of kindness benefit everyone
善行益于人人/ 121
8.The ethics of kindness
善良之德/ 127

Chapter 4 赢得幸福
1.Stone and the flower
石头与花儿 / 135
2.An afternoon in the park
公园里的一个下午 / 139
3.Two drops of oil
两滴油 / 145
4.The joy of spring
春之喜悦 / 151
5.The red rose
红玫瑰 / 157
6.Why not go up?
为什么不上去? / 163
7.A gift of love
爱的礼物 / 169
8.Finding joy in the ordinary
在平凡中找寻快乐 / 175

Chapter 5 赢得人生
1.Life is like a cup of coffee
咖啡人生 / 183
2.The trouble tree
烦恼树 / 187
3.I can sleep when the wind blows
狂风怒吼,我仍安睡 / 191
挣扎 / 197
脚印 / 201
6.Whisper or brick?
轻语还是砖头? / 205
7.Move your body, change your life
运动你的身体,转变你的人生 / 209
8.Life explaining
人生诠释 / 215

What to Believe

The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them.
—— Montaigne(蒙田)


Chapter 1 树立态度
1.What do angels look like?
天使的样子 / 13
2.Gifts from the heart
来自内心的礼物 / 19
3.Real beauty
真正的美丽 / 23
4.Change altitude
改变高度 / 29
5.What will matter
要紧的事 / 35
6.The gift
礼物 / 41
7.Stand tall like the sunflower
如向日葵般高高站立 / 47
8.You sure are lucky…
你一定很幸运…… / 53

Chapter 2 人生智慧
1.A feline perspective
猫儿看世界 / 61
2.Last respects
最后的告别 / 65
3.Steps to happiness
一步步走向幸福 / 69
4.Letter to my grandchildren
给孙儿们的一封信 / 73
5.See with the heart
用心去看 / 79
6.The answer to every question
唯一的答案——爱 / 85
蒲公英 / 91
8.Last will and testament of Charles Lounsberry
查尔斯•隆斯伯里的遗嘱 / 97

Chapter 3 学会感恩
1.The best time of my life
人生中最美好的时光 / 107
2.Memories of the Mississippi
密西西比的记忆 / 113
3.The mendicant
乞丐 / 119
4.Free hugs
免费拥抱 / 125
5.When you thought I wasn’t looking
当你以为我没注意的时候 / 131
6.The two roads
两条路 / 135
7.Turn your face to the sun
面朝太阳 / 141
8.Who packed your parachute?
谁为你编的降落伞?/ 149
Chapter 4 与人分享
1.The apprentice angel
实习天使 / 157
2.If I had the chance
如果我有机会 / 163
3.Sun smile
阳光般的微笑 / 169
4.You are my life
你就是我的生命 / 175
5.The daffodils
水仙之歌 / 181
6.The given light
赠予的火光 / 185
7.A very special meal
一顿特殊的晚餐 / 189
8.The starfish thrower
扔海星的人 / 197
Chapter 5 付诸行动
1.Your mind is your source of power
思想是力量之源 / 205
2.The daffodil principle
水仙花法则 / 211
3.Walk with me
与我同行 / 219
4.The magical mustard seed
神奇的芥籽 / 223
5.I’ll paint you a rainbow
我要为你绘一道彩虹 / 227
6.The carpenter’s house
木匠的房子 / 231
7.Super hero
大英雄 / 237
8.You can please everybody
你能让每个人都快乐 / 245

January 15, 2010


Filed under: Life — jennyca @ 11:53 pm

常常听见有人抱怨,为什么我的容颜不是国色天香,为什么今天天气这么糟糕,为什么我生活在这么贫穷的家庭里,为什么老天爷这样对我……为什么要抱怨 这抱怨那呢?生活本来就不是事事如意,生活本来就不会十全十美,相反,起起落落,悲欢离合才是家常便饭。俗话说的好:愁一愁,白了头;笑一笑,十年少。不 要抱怨,每个人的人生都不会是一帆风顺的,而正是因为有这些波波折折,才练就出异彩纷呈的人生。


中 国的一位作家来到美国,他看见一个卖花的老太太总是很高兴,很是奇怪。他就挑了一支花问:“您为什么总是如此的开心呢?”老太太的回答使作家愣住了。“耶 稣被钉在十字架上是全世界最黑暗的一天,可三天后就是复活节。一切的烦恼只要等待三天不就烟消云散了吗?”作家为老太太的回答而感动,一位老太太竟能这样 洒脱地看待人生,竟能把人生看得如此透彻。发明家大王——爱迪生为了寻找做灯丝的最好材料曾做了1000多次实验,并且都失败了。有一邻居嘲笑他:“你怎 么做1000多次实验都失败了?”爱迪生说:“我不是发现了1000多种不合适做灯丝的材料了吗?”爱迪生能换个角度看待失败,深信一定能获得最合适的材 料,正因为有这自信,所以能不懈努力,最后终于获得成功。

人要热爱生活,热爱生命,要有自信,要朝着既定目标不懈努力,要像艾青所说的那 样,“即使我们是一支蜡烛,也应该蜡炬成灰泪始干;即使我们是一根火柴,也应该在关键时刻有一丝光亮”,如果能这样,那么我们的人生就会意义,我们的人生 就能发出异样的光彩。最后要提醒大家,在遇到挫折的时候,不要老报怨这报怨那,而要学会变换角度思考问题,这样就不易被人生的“风雨”所击倒。

January 13, 2010


Filed under: Life — jennyca @ 10:54 pm
2,宝剑锋从磨砺出 梅花香自苦寒来
3,天生我材必有用 千金散尽还复来
12,海阔凭鱼跃 天高任鸟飞


Filed under: Life — jennyca @ 10:51 pm

1. Never Get Obsessed with your Appearance. 绝不要为自己的外貌而烦恼。

We think you look great (though some of the outfits you wear worry us!). Please be happy with the person you are and the body you have. Eat sensibly, take exercise and be healthy. Some girls become obsessed with losing weight or getting the perfect shape. You look fine.

2. Never Get Involved with a Married Man. 绝不要和已婚男人纠缠不清。

There are plenty of great single men out there. Don’t get entangled with a married man no matter how attractive he is–it will end in your tears.

3. Never Compromise Your Personal Safety. 绝不要危及个人安全。

Never put yourself at serious risk. This means that you cannot trust people until you really know them and that sometimes you have to avoid things that look like they might be fun. Never get drunk or take drugs. Unfortunately there are some malevolent people out there and it is best not to take undue risks.

4. Never Live Beyond Your Means. 生活费用绝不要超支。

Throughout life try to keep your spending within your income and so save a little. Avoid getting into debt if possible. There are some exceptions–like getting a mortgage to buy a house–but generally if you can live within your means you will avoid all sorts of problems.

5. Never Despise Yourself. 绝不要看不起自己。

You are great and capable of achieving great things so believe in yourself. When things go badly never stop believing. Some girls get depressed, blame themselves and lose self-esteem. All sorts of problems can follow.

6. Never Give Less Than Your Best. 永远尽力而为。

We are very proud of what you have accomplished so far. You should be proud too. Keep doing well. Keep trying your hardest at everything you do. No one can ask for more than that.

7. Never Forget that Your Parents Love You. 绝不要忘记你的父母爱你。

Whatever happens in life, your family will still be your family. Whatever difficulties you encounter you can always talk to us and we will try to help. We are here for you.

January 2, 2010


Filed under: Life — jennyca @ 9:58 pm

We’re like the cream. When the cream rises to the top, it separates itself from the milk.  Perhaps that is what the New Age Movement is really all about.  We find ourselves lonely at the top.  Yes, it is.


It is no different with political enlightenment, spiritual enlightenment, or even becoming enlightened about relating to each other.  The more mentally healthy you become, the more spiritual, the more balanced, the wealthier, the more global you become… the more alone you may feel.
Often, we find ourselves unable to find those other rare individuals who are choosing the same path as ours.  The path of sloppy and lazy is full of other people to meet and talk to.  The path of whiners is full.  The path of being safe, generic, and boring is so crowded you almost cannot even move forward.  Isn’t that why you left that path?  You had a need to move forward, a need for some elbowroom, a need to spread your arms wide, a need to be seen as special, unique, different.  The masses may admire you, but they are not going to be able to really relate to you.  You will be alone much of the time.
经常,我们很难找到那些选择我们和我们同路的人们。那条潮湿,慵懒的道路挤满了可以相遇并聊天的人。那条满是牢骚者的道路上也拥挤不堪。那 条所谓安全,普通以及枯燥的道路是如此拥挤以至于你无法向前挪步。难道这不正是你离开那条道路的原因吗?你需要向前挪步,需要活动的空间,需要展开你的双 臂,需要被认知为特别,有个性,与众不同。万千大众仰慕你,但他们却不可能真正地融入你。大部分的时间里,你将是孤独的。
Do not be afraid of the loneliness of enlightenment.  Do not force others to agree with you.  Simply give your heart and know that you are growing and that they are free to grow or not.  It is the nature of the game.  We are all free to choose our paths.

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